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Loader - Enjoy Bisalta

La capra con gli stivali

The farm "The goat in boots" was born in April 2016 in Rivoira, a hamlet of Boves, a small town located in Bisalta foothills area.

Gabriele Pellegrino, after 13 years of experience in the dairy sector, has decided to take the leap by opening his own business, renovating the family building, creating the necessary environments: stable, laboratory and store.

The goats reared are of the Camosciata of the Alps breed and some Frisian sheep originally from Germany have recently been purchased.

Assisted by his sister Roberta, he produces fresh and semi-mature cheeses and other goodies on weekends.

At the selling point you can find the cosmetic line made with goat colostrum and local soft fruit.

OPEN FROM Tuesday to Friday AFTERNOON,